Tag: greenfingers

Old Church Cottage – Better Late Than Never.

by cottontailsandcupcakes

Most of my garden is dying away for the winter, aside from the mint, that plant seems to have 9 lives. However,  after looking like just a stalk in a pot for 3 months the sunflower has flowered!

Proud Moment.


Old Church Cottage – Baby Pumpkin

by ermgibson

I don’t think they’ll be ready in time for Halloween but the pumpkin has finally sprouted!


Old Church Cottage – Part 1.

by ermgibson

Our attempts at being green fingered are paying off! We haven’t got a lawn so everything we’re growing is in pots and planters but it’s working. So far we have parsley, sage, coriander, mint, chilli varieties, spring onions and a lonely sunflower. The tomato seedlings and pumpkin seedlings are doing well inside on the windowsill. Today I caved into buying slug killer, I’ve tried without for a while but the snails ate a whole lettuce plant whilst we were away!

If anyone’s got any suggestions of what’s easy to grow in pots and withstands the British seasons let me know.


